Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Your skin prickles with sensation
Hair rises to
Salute the
Unseen Entity
Passing through your flesh

Is its breath upon your neck
Lightning down your spine
Ice fingers grip your

Those are not
That is truth
In it’s own language
That is

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Murky Pool

What lies
At the bottom of this
Murky pool?

A Child
An Ancient

I slip on the rocks
Down I plunge
And I realize
I am the pool

What lies on the bottom?

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Greyscale photograph
a little girl
i used to be
has replaced the child
is she gone
is the happy little girl
that used to hide
under that face?

Sunday, September 11, 2005


porcelain skin
glitter eyes
cascades of gold
the centerfold
speaks beauty to us all

your airbrush hips
your ruby lips
the twinkle in your eye
which part is real?
under all the make-up
do you even feel the fan
blowing your dress against your
perfect thigh

sky high
your lashes make me cry
for i am never you
a clumpy human
not a bronzed goddess

plastic people
plastic lives
why do we envy?
we don't see the beauty in our crooked smiles

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lego man

imagination sets me free
destroys me
do to me what you would
never do
i cannot feel
my plastic shell
protects my plastic soul

Build me up and
Break me down
This is my life
I see the world a million times
through different eyes
I am the lego man

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gas Masks and Ballgowns

Gas masks and ballgowns
Cigarette a smoking gun
what is it that we've become?

Dance the twisted dance of life
Frock a swirling puddle
Retina bleeds
colors that the eye cant see
is this whats become of me?

Desolate and dirty
Wrap it up
Not cellophane
Don't want to ruin the view
They pay alot to hear the lies.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Is this rape?

passes down my spine
I know that you are there
but do i run?

Push me up against the wall
My struggle makes you randy
breath is hot agianst my face
is it sour or is it sweet
how am I supost to feel
how am I supost to act

Clammy hands shed from me
my dignity
do you feel like a man
is it better when I fight you
Do you like to hear me scream
Does this feel like it's a dream

Is this pain or is this pleasure?
Is it rape or am I willing
Is there something wrong with me to love the ones who hurt me so?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

cannot feel

I cried today
A thousand tears
but you don't care
you cannot feel the wet

It burns
remember how it used to be
so easy
that's a lie
you didn't notice
I tried

the end is always set
just because we don't see it
it is there
was it a tragedy
or convenient
would you say

for a while
but sleep will always come
what happens when we close our eyes?
you dissapear
another wasted moment

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

External Melody

Your voice is ruined
No more music
Swells from inside
External melody
Is all you'll ever be

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Hands upon a
pane of glass
Is this how we live our lives?
Rose tinted
Or shadowed grey?
Seldom see it clear
Reach for the hammer
Will i break it today?
Alas, i cannot find the will to
Shatter all


Ghosts are seen
But are they without
In a broken tomb
Could it touch you?
Are we real?
Or are we ghosts?
Watching others
Echo on

Friday, October 22, 2004


Is she more now
Than ever was before?
A porcelain doll of
Pale complexion
Broken her tears
Fragile as a flower pedal
Shattered as her will

You could not numb the pain
You made it bittersweet
With tragedy
Pass the burden to my shoulders
Pray I have the strength to
Carry on

Pretty pills a substitute
For sharpened steel
Beware for razor's kiss
Shows blood
Nectar of life itself
Pretty pills bring deeper sorrow
From the core

Vomit like a vile confession
Did you give up all your sins?
Will you face the sunrise
With a fresh perspective
Facing gentler winds?

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Creature Deep Inside

A shell of happiness and love
But only those with searching eyes
Can see the creature deep inside

Living in the filth of it's own sorrow
Battered and alone
Afraid of life outside the shell
It's bloody conscience moans
Hides, it does, from knowing eyes
Does the creature deep inside

Searching eyes
Seek to break the shell
Fools they are
For this is no glass cage
A fortress of steel and flesh
Diamond and bone
Ruby and gold

How long has it stood here?
How thick could it be?
No one knows except the mastermind of all
The hideous coward from life
The souless parasitic fiend

No one knows except
The creature deep inside

Daemon at my side

Clouds swirl across the moonlight sky
A whisper of a wind
The sounds of darkness fade away
Replaced by the erie silence of waiting

The daemon has awoken
He is at my side again
At my hand
In my body
By my bed

The dawn is breaking
Yet I am still awake
Never to sleep
With the daemon at my side
Colors swirl with the morning mist
But I am not alone
I have the daemon at my side

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Sea of the Dead

I wrote this one with suicide in mind. The funny thing was that when I wrote the first three stanzas, I thought I was describing how my life felt, until the last one, where I realized the difference between life and the sea I was writing of. In life there is always hope. Read and enjoy.

Cold hands pulling
Find the surface
Glimps of light
No need to breathe
When all is airless and dark

Sea of the Dead
No memories of life
Only centuries of fighting
For a glimpse of light

Cold hands pull
For all eternity
No use at all
Can't think for savage sounds of wails
Peirce the mind
Ravage the soul

In the Sead of the Dead
Suicide was useless
This is worse than before

Yellow Silk and Green Flowers

Today I met a man of
Yellow silk and green flowers
He took me for a ride
The fun never seemed to end
I meet him everyday
The fun never goes away

Now I cannot live without my man of
Yellow silk and green flowers
I follow him everywhere
Do everything he says
Till one day I awake to
Find him gone
As I drift
In the sea of the dead
Where all things are

Puddles of Blood

Puddles of blood
Line the streets of my conscience
The buildings are tall and dark
We pick at the flesh
Of the dead where they lay
Feeding on darkness
And strife

We are the creatures
That live in my conscience
Empty and souless we are
Drinking the blood
Of those lost to the world
Feeling nothing


Eyes wide to darkness
Stench of rot
Something about this padded box
Claw and scratch until I'm free
Breath of air brings mystery

Straight lines of tombstones
Shadows in the twilight
Clouds cover the moon above

The Band

I followed the rabbit to Wonderland
But all I found was a burnt-out band
The Calico cat had a drum solo
The Hatter on bass, the Queen sang low
Sadly, there was no piccolo
Alice died long ago

I Am Your Whore

Stench of vomit
I lie in a pile of my own disgust
All that has been is my fault

I am your whore
I bring filth to your bed
The smell of my lingers for days
Back to my puddle
Of shit and of stench and of evils
It's where I stay

Your need brings me back to your room once again
Your cry as you slither inside
Guilt drip from your pores
Yet you cry out for more
Your inocence smeared with the wrongs of your lust
When you are done
disgust masks your features
You hit me again and again
Kick me outside
To my puddle of evils
Where I wait till the day
You need me again

Palace in the Sky

Watching from behind closed eyes
I see all from my palace in the sky
The people are just pawns upon my chessboard
They are incomplete
For only after I have used them
And abused them
Can they compete
In the race of life which is useless to me
In my palace in the sky.

Like a Knife

Your tender love
is a knife upon my
fragile skin
Your desire a hot poker
You burn me
As you yearn me
and cut me with your love
Before I am consumed
The blood of our joining
Stains the pureness of our souls.


It fills your conscience
Drip Drip
It kills your mind
Drip Drip Drip
Chained to the wall
All that is to be is only

White-Gloved Woman

A woman with a white-gloved hand
Stands in the shadows Of a busy ballroom
Eyes as pale as the moon
Hair as black as a starlight night
Noticed by none but I.

A woman with a white-gloved hand
Walks slowly through the quiet streets
Shadows upon shadows
Fill her moonlight eyes
She knows not of who follows her
Into the starlight night

A woman with a white-gloved hand
Lies ion the shadows
The life of her ebbs away
Her pale eyes fade into shadows untold
as her white-gloved hand is stained to
Violently red
No-one knows she in dead
But I
No-one knows she is dead.


Who do you see in the darkness?
Who calls to you in the rain?
He who owns the deed to your soul.
He who brings you pain.

Love Poem

This was my sad attempt at a love poem.

A wilted rose
Upon a table thick with dust
How can a simple rose mean
So much?
Fresh was our love
But withered it becomes
Until it is the earth again


Hiding in the shadows
Blacker than the night
daemon's cries and people's lies
Sparking dreams of fright

Monday, June 28, 2004


Trapped inside my own invention
Slave to what is yet to be
How long has it been
Since I was master
Of my destiny?

My Love

Wow i think this is an accual love poem. And it doesn't include sex or inapropriate language. Wow. Oh well. Might as well read it. Don't throw up all over your keyboard.

I let my love be my destruction
For he would never let me be
He chased me through my wilderness
He swam for me across the sea.


Everyday brings understanding
Everyday brings clearer gain
Thought clarity is only
Just a handspan
From a greater pain.